Releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name
I’m an Ambassador for Compassion Canada
Compassion is a child focused, Christ centred, church based non-profit that is releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name. They’re serving more than 1.5 children in 26 countries around the world and believe in holistic child development through one-to-one sponsorship.
We as people are all created in the image of God, and those of us who have been given more are clearly called by Jesus to care for the orphans and the widows. Through the work of Compassion, you can be involved in making a difference in the life of a child, family and community in the name of Jesus. If you’re interested, I’d love to come to your church to lead worship and speak about the work of Compassion – get in touch through email or social media!

Poverty used to be something I used to think was a problem “out there” that I couldn’t do anything about. Now I know that we all share in a common poverty and can make a difference one letter at a time.