It’s been a while, so I thought I’d start back in with a more personal and less broad blog (but don’t worry… I’ll be back to the philosophical soon enough!). Most of the people who check this out are people that I know or who know me to an extent, so I though this would be a good place to put this.
Rachel and I are heading to Nashville on Wednesday for 9 days. We’re really looking forward to the trip – my mom is coming out from Hamilton to look after Clara and Penny which will give Rachel and I our first real chance to get away without her. I’ve been asked by a lot of people what we’ll be doing, so I thought I’d say that we’re going for two main reasons – 1. Just to get away on a vacation and hang out with some friends (Ben and Robin), and, 2. for me to do some recording. We’re really looking forward to it. I love exploring cities that I don’t know and seeing new cultures, and getting to record with Ben (Reynolds, check out his awesomeness here) and Jason (Germain, one of the guys in downhere) is the icing on the cake.
For those wondering what the long term plan is with recording, I don’t really have a great answer for you. Ideally, this would be the first of a couple of trips down that way in the next year or so to get some kind of EP or full length album. I’m hoping while I’m down there this time to get some good writing in, get to meet some people and generally see what it’d be like. When we come back I’m sure I’ll have lots of thinking to do and plans to make, but I’d love to be able to have something in hand (or online as the case may be) that I feel represents my music well and is recorded and produced really well. How that journey will go and how we’ll pay for it are details yet to be confirmed, but you may see a kickstarter campaign or something like that coming from me in the future. I don’t have any delusions of grandeur of becoming a worldwide superstar full time touring kind of guy, but I love writing and recording music so I think this is the next logical step. Oh yeah, and it’s supposed to get cold in Lethbridge next week, so going to Tennessee sounds like a good idea.
So yep, that’s about it. Going to Nashville to spend some time with my wife, some great friends, and to write and record some music. I’ll try to throw some updates on my facebook and twitter, and maybe even a blog or two. Let me know if you’ve got any questions or have any recommendations of places to see or eat at down there!