So it’s taken me a little while, but I’ve finally got a copy of “Shine Your Light” up for listening on my myspace. See here. It’s a quick recording that turned out pretty well!
I set myself a goal of writing something congregational for our “serve the world focus” at Efree and this is what came out. I’m actually really proud of this one – I feel like I hit a good balance of singable and yet sill musically interesting enough not to be boring, which I often find is one of the greatest challenges in doing congregational stuff. The song is essentially a reminder of who God is and what he has done and then recognition that those realities lead us to respond.
Here are the lyrics:
You turn dark to light within us
Concurring death with life
You shape hearts with grace and mercy
And call us to fields of white
Help us care for the broken
As we look to the sky
Reaching out for the wounded
Let us shine Your light
You are God of the nations
And our hope in the night
Bringing justice and healing
Let us shine Your light
Let Your kingdom come
Let Your will be done
Let Your kingdom come
On earth, O Lord
For those who are wondering about the technicalities of the recording: I tracked the acoustic (Duncan Africa mugavu OM), Electric (Anderson Atom through a Reason Bambino using the recording out jack), bass (Mike’s Warwick). Vocals were done on a M-audio Sputnik. Nothing was done in more than 2 takes… so nothing’s perfect. Thanks to Ken for the pads (hiding somewhere back there) and mixing and such. At some point I hope to do a full band recording of this one with drums and other fun stuff. I’d love to know what you think!