Some thoughts on worship and concerts…

Some thoughts on worship and concerts…

I had the chance to lead worship at a great conference last weekend. Identity, which has been happening at our church now for 6 or 7 years, is just a blast. It’s a whole bunch of local (and some not so local) churches getting together for the weekend for all...
What can a congregation sing?

What can a congregation sing?

I’ve been giving a lot of thought lately to congregational worship and those who write the songs we sing in our churches. My own experience would tell me a few things: 1. I’m a trained musician and have loved music my whole life. I learn and remember songs...

Worship, Blogging and Self-Promotion

I’m going to be completely honest, I’m drawn to the idea of doing something great. I would love to be someone of wisdom who accomplishes great things, a great musician who writes songs that bless the church and a model leader for my wife, kids and friends....

Details and Problems in Service Planning

Planning and running a worship service is hard – at least for me. I love doing it and enjoy the challenge of it, but the truth is that it’s difficult. I’ve found lately that one of the things I’ve been challenged with is how I deal with details...

Song Choice

I’ve discovered anew how important choosing the right songs is when leading worship. I think it’s probably one of  the hardest things to do consistently well, especially when you’re working with different musicians and different congregations. I...

Working with People

I’ve learned a lot over these past 10 months working as a music/young adults guy at the Efree church in Lethbridge. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out exactly what I’m learning or where I’m learning it because I’m doing so many different...