Church Online?

Church Online?

We live in a time when so much of what we do is online. Banking, shopping, pictures, music, meetings, ordering food – I could go on, but you know the list. My kids laugh at me when I talk about the days before online shopping, social media, or smartphones...
A Place of Worship

A Place of Worship

We got a new front door mat a few months ago that says “Be Here Now” on it. Maybe we’re past the trend of a set of words being the defining feature of home decor, but I really like this one because it’s oddly obvious. “Be here now? Where...
Why church?

Why church?

I’ve spent a lot of time in the past few years wrestling with this question, or the slightly more precise “why should we gather together at this thing we call a church service?” I think it’s a really important question, and I’m going to...
A Prayer for those who call Jesus King

A Prayer for those who call Jesus King

Today we got the results from the US election. I know many people who are celebrating, and some who are angry or in disbelief (quite literally). I’ve been struck with the polarization of politics in these past few years – not just in the US, but also in...
Longings & Liturgies

Longings & Liturgies

I’ve got a new album in the works. I’ve written lots more about it on my kickstarter page, so instead of rehashing everything there I thought I’d give you some other thoughts. A quick overview: The core of this album will be seven songs that will...