So I had more of a productive day than I thought I might today. I managed to sneak into the studio at the church and pound out two demos. One is the song “Why Me” which I’ve written my last two blogs about, so see those if you want to know the background there. Also, if you’re in town, come out to the Christmas Eve service at Efree tomorrow and hear it sung by Dave Dueck… should be good!
The other song is one called “You Are The One”. I wrote it earlier in November with hopes to record it sometime in January with the high school worship team that I work with. I’m also hoping to be able to use it a bit for corporte worship for our high school program or O2 (our young adults service on Sunday nights). I’m not entirely settled on the verses, but I really like the premis of the song – it’s a good comparison of the things that we do and the things that God does. I like the back and forth, the constant reminder that not only is God good, but we can only come to God because he is good. We’re not – we constatly turn away from God, even when we don’t want to. He’s the one who brings us back, the only one who can fill us. Let me know what you think!
Myspace player with new tracks (and a few old ones too…)
Good tunes. I feel lucky to hear demo versions of (your) songs, and I never cease to be amazed at how songwriters put themselves out there in making music. I think it’s such a non-prideful act, which is weird, because it’s you singing, and you playing, and you who wrote, maybe even you on stage – but you’re out there now, for the world to see and critique, and you don’t let that pressure stop you. You even use it to make you better, if you can. Keep it up!
Who is this God? He makes my stomach feel funny when I think about how He wanted to tell shepherds… first? And sometimes I think I’ve figured it out… (Hey: if there’s hope for shepherds – to see the Messiah, God’s glory – hope for me? Were they in shock? “…good news of great joy that shall be for ALL people.” What?!)